About us
Let’s end the fossil age!
People living in countries with high energy consumption are more educated, perform less manual work and live longer. We believe that development and prosperity are possible everywhere – when we provide reliable energy that leaves a planet worth living on.
We haven’t stopped thinking since we first had the idea of a Dual Fluid reactor. We calculated. Debated. Had headaches and went grey in the process all while many amazing minds supported us. Today we are creating a high-tech company that will redefine nuclear – so that future generations can live with nature intact and enjoy all the amenities of a modern life.

Dr. Armin Huke
Doctorate in Nuclear Physics from TU Berlin. Since 2009 Managing Director of the Institute for Solid-State Nuclear Physics, Berlin. Main inventor.

Dr. Götz Ruprecht
Doctorate in Nuclear Physics from TU Berlin. Research Associate at the TRIUMF National Laboratory, Canada. Leadership of international research projects. Inventor.

Dr. Peter Kürpick
Ph.D. in Theoretical Atomic Physics. Post-doctorate research at Kansas State University and University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Currently Senior Vice President at EPAM Systems, Berlin.

Dipl.-Phys. Daniel Weißbach
Graduate in Atomic Physics from TU Berlin. Research in nuclear physics and technology, studying for doctorate at Szczecin University and Institute for Solid-State Nuclear Physics Berlin. Inventor.

Prof. Frank Klose
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology; Research Leader and Program Manager at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation.

Michael Ebertz
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen. Specializing in Energy and Chemical Engineering with a background in Nuclear Safety.

Dr. Christine Rehm
PhD in Physics from TU Berlin. 25+ years experience in project management and licensing at nuclear facilities of Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation.

Dr. Dominik Böhm
Doctorate at the University of Szczecin in the field of nuclear partitioning. Master of Science at TU Dortmund in Chemical Engineering

Dr. Claire Schaffnit Chatterjee
PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Toronto. Experienced in management consulting, risk management, Africa, economic/trend research, scenario-planning.

Prof. Konrad Czerski
Chair of Nuclear and Medical Physics at Szczecin University, Poland. Lecturer at TU Berlin. Inventor.

Prof. Ahmed Hussein
Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Northern British Columbia. Leading research into Nuclear and Particle Physics at TRIUMF National Lab, Canada, and at Los Alamos National Lab, USA. Inventor.

Dr. rer. nat. Jan Philipp Dabruck
PhD in particle & nuclear physics at RWTH Aachen. Engineering consultant in nuclear technology and radiation protection. Since 2022 project manager at Dual Fluid.

Dr. Emanuel Gimenez
+10 years dedicated to the design and analysis of small and medium nuclear reactors. Specialized in nuclear thermal hydraulics and energy conversion systems.

Nico Bernt
Reactor-, Neutron- and Radiation Physicist. Physics studies at TU Berlin (B.Sc.), Medical Engineer (Dipl.-Ing. FH), Beuth-Hochschule Berlin

Kai Bast
Currently working in the Laboratory for Vehicle Drives at FH Dortmund, specialized in manufacturing, design, automation, and programming, involved in various research projects.

Umut Mutlu

Bora Otluoğlu
Advisory Board

Dr. Kai Rose
Ph.D. in Surface Physics. Post-doctorate research at Harvard University. Currently Manager in Automotive Industry in the context of innovations. Several patents.

Dr. Dieter Hennig
Lecturer in Reactor Physics at TU Dresden. Scientific researcher at Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland and others. Specialism: Stability analysis of non-linear nuclear systems.

Manfred Haferburg
Nuclear Engineer. Independent consultant in operation, safety performance and organisational effectiveness of nuclear power plants.

Dr. Atef Elkadime
Ph.D. in Radiation Chemistry. Administrative Director of SESAME Synchrotron, Jordan. Former Chairman of the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority.